Author. Currently juggling words in the Great Lakes State.


I’m an (early) nineties baby with too many stories to tell.

(02 - 04)


I’ve got one trilogy in the can with, to quote Lama Su, a million more well on the way. I tend to write about the simplest human emotions. Love. Fear. Grief. Hope. So far it’s alway come out Sci-Fi, but i’m sure I’ve got at least one Mystery/Thriller in me.


I’ve been writing since I was a boy. Life directed me away from it as a vocation in my youth, leading me into the medical field and then on to starting and running a small business with my wife.

As my hair now turns grey (a shame for a man in his early thirties), I’ve written four full length novels, all still waiting to be published. Please, read a sample in the section above. Approach them with the imagination of a child. Enjoy.